Pilates for Osteoporosis


Wed 18th October, 1pm – 2.30pm

Join me on World Osteoporosis Day for an informative and practical workshop with a slide presentation followed by safe Pilates exercises designed to strengthen your muscles and improve your balance and functional mobility. Both workshops will be recorded and sent out to you, so you’ll have permanent access to them.

1 in 3 women aged 50 years and over will suffer an osteoporotic fracture. Taking preventive measures, exercising regularly and ensuring a healthy diet will slow the rate of bone thinning and reduce the risk of osteoporosis related fractures.

If you can’t make the live class, don’t worry as a recording of the class and the slides used will be sent out after the class.

If you’d like to do both this and the Pilates for Menopause workshop key in BOTH2 at the checkout to receive a discount.

Topics covered:

  • How to reduce Osteoporosis and fracture risk
  • How good nutrition can help
  • Risk factors with pre existing medical conditions
  • How balance and strength exercises can help
  • And much more!

There will be a 5 minute break in between each session.

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